Allan Q
Superbious team profiles

Allan Q

As the black sheep in almost all cases, it's not all sunshine and sing alongs. However, there's plenty of late nights, Tirk delights, Doctor sword fights, men in manly tights... and as a reclusive, relatively introverted night owl with far too much free time, references. Lots and lots of references. So buckle up, buttercup, it's gonna be a bumpy ride.


Trump tripping on acid again
Just as Democrats thought they had managed to do some sort of deal with Trump, Trump gets high and starts doing what he does best again - trying to sh...

Yeah, Well, Erhm...TAXES!
And freeloaders! And food stamps!

Democratic Debauchery Stewing in Las Vegas
Forgive me for my previous transgressions. I had the opportunity to cover the second half of the debauchery guised as the Republican Debate, but I was...

The Truth About Standardized Tests
As a current high school student in Oklahoma, I have to say that standardized tests are very important to me. I will be voting in our next presidenti...

Hard Times in the Maritimes
These are hard times, indeed, and no one should have to be put through this.

Allan's contributions

Church & State: (Not) A Love Story
Like white on rice. The sticky kind.
church and state
United State of Whatever
Elections aren't for everyone. Politics in general really. But it's just one hell of a pain in the ass to avoid.
i did not vote
Buckle Your Bible-Belt
Here in the south, people support their britches with a good ol' bible-belt.
bible belt

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...yeeeeees, we love Fox News. But we love Jon Stewart and Bill Maher a lot better. Fox News we love because of the quality, amusing, factual information they provide. Bill and Jon we love because they help us see it.

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