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Voting for Idiots
What rights do those who have nothing to say have?

When Your Insurer Refuses to Pay: Fight Back by Following This Simple 5-Step Procedure
While no one likes paying for insurance, we do so with the knowledge that if we ever end up in a catastrophic situation, our insurance company will pa...

Why you should consider a small investment in a background checker?
One of the toughest things I find about being an employer, is knowing how to pick the right staff. I have honed my interview questions, I consider mys...

Dr. Keith Ablow, Accidental Psychiatrist, Plays Armchair Psychiatrist Instead
...on Fox News, which makes this man hilarious and appear pretty empty-headed.

Masochism Is Not a Crime
Adults can't buy and sell sex?

Allens's contributions

So, you want to date an Atheist? (Pt. 2)
So you STILL want to go on your first date with an Atheist?
how to date an atheist
So, you want to date an Atheist?
So you have decided to go on your first date with (gasp!) an Atheist.
Atheist dating

SUPERBIOUS is an e-zine, online creature or politically incorrect blog, created to make Us happy. We have lots to say and we simply needed someone to say it to. Hopefully you'll find it more than readable. Or not.

So you want to write?

Have something politically incorrect to say, yet something that has a point in it? Well, maybe, just maybe we could hear from you.

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Our friends

...yeeeeees, we love Fox News. But we love Jon Stewart and Bill Maher a lot better. Fox News we love because of the quality, amusing, factual information they provide. Bill and Jon we love because they help us see it.

Politics Blogs

My Zimbio
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