Dyanne Brown
Superbious team profiles

Dyanne Brown

Dyanne is a former corporate HR consultant that now goes by the title, writer. She writes a blog sharing insights from her journey to find the best life. She also writes short stories, poetry and is currently working on a fiction novel. She is single, but optimistic, and living in Philadelphia. You can follow her at dyannebrown.com or on Twitter @dyannebrown


The self-proclaimed guardian of the world should lead by example
The International Criminal Court, or in short, ICC, is an international tribunal based in The Hague is the Netherlands. It's job, responsibility, is t...

Trump approval rating hits new low - 36 percent
According to the new Gallup poll the approval rating for president Trump has hit a new low after the failure to pass a new health care bill.

Top Gear fans are idiots
Yes, you, and you, and you there sending death threats to the producer, Oisin Tymon, as well as the BBC director general Tony Hall and his wife. How e...

Americans still way behind Canada when it comes to weed
While Trump, together with his sidekick, Attorney General Jeff Sessions, are considering reverting back to the old school method of drug enforcement b...

Trump was an eight-year-old bully yesterday, and will be tomorrow
The sad truth is that we do need to accept the man as a president. But that's not what people are doing. People have actually started saying that he m...

Dyanne's contributions

How Romney Could Screw America
Mitt Romney has shown me that he is the guy that will say anything to get into America’s pants.
no to romney

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