Erik Gustafson
Superbious team profiles

Erik Gustafson


What Do Misogyny and Racism Have In Common In America?
Misogyny and racism have both been in the courts and news lately. With Ferguson, among many other instances where black men were unjustly killed, and ...

Does Monsanto Now Have a Vice Grip on the U.S.?
Good job, President Barrack Obama, you allowed the former attorney for Monsanto, Michael Taylor, to become commissioner of the FDA. Transparency be da...

Requiem for a Means-Test
The recently and unfortunately re-elected Governor of my state yesterday signed into law a policy that would require drug testing on welfare recipient...

Steven Crowder - Moral Guardian: Men Shouldn't Hit Women!
Roll out the red carpet - Steven Crowder is on the scene!

Hard Times in the Maritimes
These are hard times, indeed, and no one should have to be put through this.

Erik's contributions

The Fireworks Sound Funny in Chicago
Memorial Day weekend is a day that serves many functions. Of course, its primary purpose is to remember those brave soldiers who have lost their lives in the line of duty. It has also long been considered the official start to summer.

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