James Allen
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James Allen

I'm a 40 year-old blackjack dealer as well as the Nevada Chapter Leader of the National Atheist Party. It's a political party that started on Facebook in 2012, meant not for propagating an "atheist" agenda, but to attempt to maintain and enforce the separation of church from government affairs. You can check it out here - http://www.facebook.com/groups/NAPofNevada/


Stephen Harper is the Antithesis to Canadian Values
In 2011 Harper's government was given the green light to perpetuate their assault on environmental, fiscal, and social integrity for Canada.

Just a dumb thought from a dumb person - Trump, Russia, and China
And it's exactly that. A dumb thought. From a dumb person. The what if thought. Trump has announced import taxes on a number of Chinese good and will ...

Lance Armstrong Got Run Over
Seven-time Tour de France champion, Lance Armstrong, was run over this week.

"Our Officer"
I have been working on this article for a while now and I have been trying to find my voice. I see both side of this topic.

Injured on the Road? 5 Tips for Getting the Best Personal Injury Claim Settlement
Accidents happen, and at some point in your life, you're going to find yourself in a position or situation that it would be nicer if you weren't. Unfo...

James's contributions

Really? James Dobson blames gays, abortion for shootings
James Dobson, the founder of the social conservative Focus on the Family, blames Americans who have turned their back on God for the shootings.
gods wrath
What is this country coming too?
Is this going to fizzle out soon, or is this just the tip of the ice burgh?
union is dissolved
So...Now What?
Election has been brutal. Feet are tired, knuckles hurt, throats are dry, fingers throb and brains are pounding. Friendships have ended, families have been divided.
why people vote for romney
A look forward into the next four years…
next four years
Mitt Romney: Draft Dodger or Selfless servant of the Lord?
Ann Romney tries (again) to paint her husband as a selfless, giving individual.
ann romney
Paul Ryan’s Single Chance to Redeem Himself
Paul Ryan called me today. I was about to hang up, but his was supposed to be a telephone Town Hall meeting with Congressman Paul Ryan.
payl ryan
To Hell with the Facts!
With the 2012 Presidential Election looming, the subject on your mind at this moment is probably the future of this country.
future of america
Of Binders and B.S.: Mitt Romney takes another swing at connecting with Americans for an epic miss
So, for those of us who live in caves Mitt Romney opened his mouth at the second Presidential Debate of 2012 last night and surprisingly, another load came out of the wrong end.
romney bullshit

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...yeeeeees, we love Fox News. But we love Jon Stewart and Bill Maher a lot better. Fox News we love because of the quality, amusing, factual information they provide. Bill and Jon we love because they help us see it.

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