Justin Landers
Superbious team profiles

Justin Landers

I love political issues and debates and I love giving it to big brothers, who can't seem to do the job they have been employed to do in the first place.


So, you want to date an Atheist?
So you have decided to go on your first date with (gasp!) an Atheist.

Trump's State of the Union was NOT watched by record number of people
It's not even news anymore that Trump's claims don't hold up in the world of...well, reality, but here we go again. Trump tweeted that his State of th...

Mitt Romney: Draft Dodger or Selfless servant of the Lord?
Ann Romney tries (again) to paint her husband as a selfless, giving individual.

Anti-Vax Men: Diseases of Future Past
Remember Ebola? You know, the disease that's still ravaging Western Africa, and has been for years? Though you probably know it best for it's American...

Justin's contributions

An in-depth look at the mental disorder called "Politics"
An in-depth look at the mental disorder called "Politics", and the sick people ruining America.
american politics

SUPERBIOUS is an e-zine, online creature or politically incorrect blog, created to make Us happy. We have lots to say and we simply needed someone to say it to. Hopefully you'll find it more than readable. Or not.

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Have something politically incorrect to say, yet something that has a point in it? Well, maybe, just maybe we could hear from you.

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...yeeeeees, we love Fox News. But we love Jon Stewart and Bill Maher a lot better. Fox News we love because of the quality, amusing, factual information they provide. Bill and Jon we love because they help us see it.

Politics Blogs

My Zimbio
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