Martina Hyde
Superbious team profiles

Martina Hyde


Murder in the first Degree; Cynicism Killed America
Today, I realized I'm a homicidal sociopath. I mean, my hands are bloody and I'm still staring at the body as I construct this writing. Truth be told,...

So, you want to date an Atheist? (Pt. 2)
So you STILL want to go on your first date with an Atheist?

Arizona's Student Constitution
Are civilians required to protect and defend their Constitution? Is it a responsibility of all Americans to fight in America's name?

Serious relationships are (almost) a thing of the past
The good old days of crushes, dates, and respect are out the door. Say hello to our future: guilt, desperation, and hooking up.

My Father's Religious Freedom
What does religious freedom actually mean?

Martina's contributions

The Recipe of Racism
For every word and every expression today considered unacceptable or even simply frowned upon, once upon a time such were quite innocent.

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Have something politically incorrect to say, yet something that has a point in it? Well, maybe, just maybe we could hear from you.

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...yeeeeees, we love Fox News. But we love Jon Stewart and Bill Maher a lot better. Fox News we love because of the quality, amusing, factual information they provide. Bill and Jon we love because they help us see it.

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My Zimbio
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