Mohamad Saleh
Superbious team profiles

Mohamad Saleh


There's Something About Midgets
There's just something very likeable about Midgets. Now, I know that 'Midgets' isn't politically correct and that they prefer to be called dwarves or ...

Cops Don’t Want To Be On Camera Anymore
Pass the laws to make it illegal for you to film or take pictures of any police officer. What?

Trump's speech hailed as brilliant
Trump gave a long speech in Poland. I read the full transcript from The Australian, and then read the comments under it - one thing you should never d...

Scientology- Sponsored by the Federal Government
Make no mistake about it, Scientology is a huge, huge business.

How Gen. Y decides who they will vote for President (according to Gen. X.)
Obviously we are all choosing our vote based on their celebrity endorsements, right?

Mohamad's contributions

Welcome to Egypt
When you're thinking about Egypt and its current turmoil, consider this - the country is split into 4 somewhat balanced powers, almost equal in their influence on the public; the Army leadership now held by Gen. Abdel Fattah "Sisi" el Sisi, the right wing "political islamists" including the Muslim brotherhood and their allies, the revolutionary youth and finally the old regime's businessmen and party members.

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...yeeeeees, we love Fox News. But we love Jon Stewart and Bill Maher a lot better. Fox News we love because of the quality, amusing, factual information they provide. Bill and Jon we love because they help us see it.

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