Seymour Lipschitz Whorvitch
Superbious team profiles

Seymour Lipschitz Whorvitch


Stop War. Stop the Troops. Stop Support.
Why should people support the military? This is a simple question, but at the same time, its implications are almost blasphemous.

Romney wins the popular vote
Ok, Romney isn’t president – yet. But, being Halloween, I wanted to scare some liberals.

Ethnic Dating in the Digital Age
Ms. Dalai Mismaladoop and Mr. Chang Choo Jones are two 40-year old virgins, who wear their anal promise rings with pride. Looking for love on line is...

The Numbers of a Sure Loser
As most of us have noticed over the last couple of weeks, the economic numbers coming out of Washington have appeared overly, and oddly, positive.

Do people still go out clubbing?
Society has changed over the past twenty years, especially now that people can have access to so much entertainment just by browsing the internet.

Seymour's contributions

Danny calls to get people to vote for President Obama
(President Obama is a Sephardic Jew!!)

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