Murder in the first Degree; Cynicism Killed America

Political cynicism

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Article by Tyrone Townsend
Today, I realized I'm a homicidal sociopath. I mean, my hands are bloody and I'm still staring at the body as I construct this writing. Truth be told, it was an impulse: pure unadulterated spontaneity. I considered it a mercy kill because I murdered America. I know it's a bold statement, unlike the others who committed the murder, I admit it.

Pretentious pseudo-intellectuals, douchebags, hipsters, bigots, thugs, and all sorts of freaks of nature populate the nation. I'm not any better because I'm an apathetic cynic. Nowadays, my personality trait is a common trend. It's a shame, but nothing new is under the sun. So, with all this chaos bombarding me, I snapped and killed America.

Cynicism festers within America; the constant failure of promises cultivated the seed. It's a disturbing thought to realize the lack of faith in our democracy. A look at the voting polls reveals the desire for a voice to be heard. Instead, the manipulation by countless political swine (Hillary and co.) overrides all hope. No matter the election year, it's the same slapstick comedy; no new plot or formula. The horror lies in knowing there's no cancellation anytime soon; we enjoy watching the broadcast. Hope of a true election makes any heart flutter until the hilarity ensues. Too many eyes have gazed upon senseless political advertising and campaign funding. An unfortunate reality settles in the mind: The next four years aren't going to change or clean up the last few centuries. The new president is going to be a scapegoat like the one before him. What's certain is taxes, debt, and trouble. Which brings me to mention another skewed subject—the economy. Most folks balance their lives on a budget from spare change found in their couches. Belief in a broken system leaves broken hearts. Inflation, deflation, trade deficits, national debt, and other financial blunders, all build up to uncertainty. For the work many Americans put in, folks can't deny the feeling of being bamboozled. Days have disappeared of personal fulfillment and pride in work. Those characteristics have been replaced by painstaking drudgery. Workers have become cynical. Their belief is it's about your connections or screw the rules to get ahead. Quality is taken out of all American products. Even most hardcore Americans are shameful to admit the best products are from Japan. Material wealth will always be evident in our country, ask Donald Trump.

Even though the idealistic facade of America begins to fade into the darkness, the materialistic beating heart of America continues to pound against the chest. Despite fear, despite deep seated suspicions regarding honesty within our system, the Conventional American Dream is alive for all generations to appreciate. A decent job, a family, cars, and a house in the suburbs is a reachable target. This "conventionalized" objective is applicable for most Americans as the grand finale. The reality is Americans are struggling to maintain the dream. Many don't have any idea how to maintain the dream for the future. At this moment of vulnerability, the nightmare creeps overhead of how they will survive in old age. To sustain the dream, souls are swept up in a Faustian bargain: a pact with the Devil in exchange for worldly desires. The reality is these diabolical deals are amongst ourselves.

My views are jaded at best; the perfect sabotage for all beliefs. Cynicism is not an alternate belief system; it leads to a dead end. The mind is stagnant in being distrustful of other's intentions and that everyone has a self-agenda. It's a painful way to live, but someone's has to do it. Not for a benefit of a trend instead to be a brutal truth seeker amongst men. Cynicism and America will brawl in a continuous downward spiral. A large portion of "America" is dead, buried, and entering the stages of rigor mortis. The problem is America's inhabitants: deviants that set up ideologies only to tear them down to be "for the people." America is what we make it out to be. If you don't know this by now, you're a jackass. I know what you're thinking: "Since you know so much, why don't you change something?" I'm a measly writer with disillusioned observations. There's not shit for me to change. I offer you the insight to understand so that you can make a difference. I have to trust you'll do something about it…well…I hope you do.

The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out for himself, without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane and intolerable, and so, if he is romantic, he tries to change it. And even if he is not romantic personally he is very apt to spread discontent among those who are. – H.L. Mencken

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