Really? James Dobson blames gays, abortion for shootings

Gods wrath

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Article by James Allen

James Dobson, the founder of the social conservative Focus on the Family, joined Mike Huckabee and Bryan Fischer in blaming the shootings in Newtown, Conn., on Americans who have "turned our back on God," and embraced abortion and gay marriage. Proof.

I respectfully disagree. While reading this tripe about this right-wing knuckle-dragger, a thought occurred to me: Why is it that whenever God unleashes his wrath, it's always onto his followers? Why does the hammer never fall on an Atheist? Why, if Atheists are so evil, does God never smite one of them? For that matter, why, if he hates homosexuals so vehemently, has God not simply condemned all of them to oblivion with a snap of his "all-mighty" fingers?
There is a man I know for whom I have zero respect. His name is Brian.
Is he simply unable to do it? Why does the burden always fall upon those who are devoutly loyal to him to convince the rest of the world that they have suffered an incredible injustice because homosexuals, atheists and other assorted "evil" people exist? Why does he hide?

There is a man I know for whom I have zero respect. His name is Brian. Personally, I like to be a bit more forthright about my feelings and intentions. If I, one day, were to become so angry with Brian as to Molotov cocktail his house, I would gather my equipment, head over to that house, and then fill the bottles with gasoline, stuff them tight with rags, light them and lob them at his house, one by one until he came out to save himself and/or determine the source of the destruction. As he looked around, I would stand motionless, staring at him, waiting to lock eyes with him so that he would know exactly who had done this terrible thing to him.

Were I one to avoid being linked with the destruction of Brian's home, I'd go out and find a couple of guys and persuade them to do the dirty work for me. As they embarked upon their mission, I'd hunker down and cross my fingers that they wouldn't get caught, or at least if they did, they wouldn't give me up to the authorities.

Which of these approaches to revenge would you, the reader find more honorable?
A pair of twelve-foot tall men, built like the Hulk, with huge gossamer wings, clad in armor march up and down the hallway of a school, swinging their golden swords left and right, mowing down all who stand in their way.
Of course, there really isn't any honor in burning down a man's home, regardless of whether he is inside of his home at the time. But if such action became necessary, which approach would you take? When God wants to teach his people a lesson, which of these examples more closely resembles his modus operandi? Why does it seem God never wants his vengeance to be traced back to him? Why is the message never clear? Couldn't he simply send the angels of death to Earth, armed with swords and fire breath, proclaiming his word? Imagine this:

A pair of twelve-foot tall men, built like the Hulk, with huge gossamer wings, clad in armor march up and down the hallway of a school, swinging their golden swords left and right, mowing down all who stand in their way. And when the news crew arrives, one of them crushes the news reporter's head with a single hand, then takes the microphone from the reporter's still-twitching corpse, turns his glowing eyes toward the camera and announces to the world, "See what your sin has cost you? Look on these children and know that your king is angry!" I think that this would be a much more effective means of getting the message across!

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