Audrey Lentz

Audrey's contributions

Do We Know What Religious Freedom Means?
There are two principles that the US was built on that seem to have lost their meaning: religious freedom and freedom of speech. Masses claim that these rights of theirs are being infringed upon at every turn, but are they, really? Religious freedom is the notion that no one religion should be enforced or favored and the church and the state should be kept separate. This way, everyone is free to practice whatever religion they choose, or to no...
What Do Misogyny and Racism Have In Common In America?
Misogyny and racism have both been in the courts and news lately. With Ferguson, among many other instances where black men were unjustly killed, and the daily stories of rapes on campuses, both local and national news reflect misogyny and racism on almost a daily basis. Why now, and what do they have in common? For one, they both are the result of a dehumanization. Women and non-whites are valued less than white men by white men themselves an...
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