Brian Schmied
Superbious team profiles

Brian Schmied


So...Now What?
Election has been brutal. Feet are tired, knuckles hurt, throats are dry, fingers throb and brains are pounding. Friendships have ended, families have...

What is this country coming too?
Is this going to fizzle out soon, or is this just the tip of the ice burgh?

Do We Know What Religious Freedom Means?
There are two principles that the US was built on that seem to have lost their meaning: religious freedom and freedom of speech. Masses claim that the...

Hey Hostess, You Can Eat My Twinkie
Hostess did one better and "Ate the Union's Lunch."

Flight MH17: Searching for the truth
It’s one of the greatest war crimes of modern times – and the truth still hasn’t been told. On July 17th 2014 at about 16:20 local time, Malaysia Airl...

Brian's contributions

Scientology in the Classroom?
European school systems have a long tradition of mandated religious education, which is becoming more difficult to implement as growing religious diversity makes it more and more controversial. Religious education is seen by traditional Europeans as a necessary basis for a moral society, and has only recently been backed off to the point where a secular alternative (Ethics), and in some cases an Islamic alternative, has become available.

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...yeeeeees, we love Fox News. But we love Jon Stewart and Bill Maher a lot better. Fox News we love because of the quality, amusing, factual information they provide. Bill and Jon we love because they help us see it.

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