Elise Ramsey
Superbious team profiles

Elise Ramsey


I see the Pope
I see the Pope’s name in the headlines quite a bit recently, and I know that a lot of people, even those outside of the Catholic Church, think he is a...

12 reasons why Everyone should vote for Donald Trump
Donald Trump used to be just a business man. Once in debt around one billion dollars, he managed to negotiate, and get out of debt. Then he became the...

Trump and America: A Made Match?
There has been a furious battle cry from protestors, the media, and the internet due to the inauguration of President Trump. Executive orders have bee...

Bye, Bye Big Bird
Even those of us who didn’t tune into the presidential debate or those who did and fell asleep already know that Romney wants to cut off Big Bird’s he...

Elise's contributions

The Truth About Standardized Tests
As a current high school student in Oklahoma, I have to say that standardized tests are very important to me. I will be voting in our next presidential election, and one of the most influential factors in my decision is going to be whether the candidate supports the massive amount of testing we students receive.
The Interview
I’ve wanted to watch The Interview since May, when I was sitting in a movie theater and I saw a preview for the Seth Rogen and James Franco film about the assassination of Kim Jong-un.

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