Erik Gustafson
Superbious team profiles

Erik Gustafson


The Numbers of a Sure Loser
As most of us have noticed over the last couple of weeks, the economic numbers coming out of Washington have appeared overly, and oddly, positive.

Fox's "The War on Christmas" Meme 2012
This meme goes against every positive thing about the holidays, rendering Fox News as a bunch of asshole hypocrites.

The Circus Continues: The 2012 Vice Presidential Debate
After listening to the responses from the debate it seems that Americans are very dissatisfied with what they see. The undecided and swing voters are ...

Syria vs. Syria?
Last week, the devastation of a chemical attack in Syria was covered in the news. The story was presented by news media as an attack of a rebel group ...

Day Late, Dollar Short...Loathing the GOP Debate
A just a bit late took at the GOP Debate.

Erik's contributions

The Fireworks Sound Funny in Chicago
Memorial Day weekend is a day that serves many functions. Of course, its primary purpose is to remember those brave soldiers who have lost their lives in the line of duty. It has also long been considered the official start to summer.

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