Fourat Janabi
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Fourat Janabi

Fourat is a writer, entrepreneur, photographer, explorer, and idiot. And so, likes to think he's important. Fourat has worked in Baghdad while a war was raging, in Bahrain while riots were ensuing, and in Saudi Arabia where women don't exist. He currently lives in Italy where a simple task takes days, but grew up in Australia, where men wearing pink shirts is the new norm. Through many years of craziness, staring death in the face on four occasions, meeting hundreds of beautiful people, and exploring a myriad of new cultures and countries, he now feels arrogant and important enough to commit his overvalued thoughts to paper and tell people exactly what to think in his first book: Random Rationality: A Rational Guide to an Irrational World.

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Fourat's contributions

Oh Bill Maher, There You Go Again...
bill maher israel
In light of the recent conflict in the Palestinian Territories, Bill Maher recently went on the Jewish Journal to have an interview in which he discusses his view of the Israel/Palestine conflict: you can read it here, which I recommend you do before you read my opinion. But pretty much, he sides with Israel. Something that caught me off-guard, even though he is half-jewish. It did so because he's a die-hard atheist, not to mention a fact-jun...
The Communist Ideal
the communist manifesto
Both Capitalism and Communism are context-specific. In environments of scarcity, capitalism reigns supreme. In environments of abundance, as we are morphing into, we will have to seriously reconsider and update capitalism, and it may end up resembling communism. Due to the stigma of 20th century Communism, that debate is bound to be distorted. I recently completed reading The Communist Manifesto, by Karl Max. At only thirty-two pages long, it ...
Government and Alcohol – An Unseen Relationship
government and alcohol
Government can be compared to alcohol. Have a few metaphorical glasses at a moderate pace, and the benefits that it incurs to society are hugely beneficial and liberating. However, like alcohol, it is easily overdone, and often the effects aren't felt until past the point of no return. This is an attempt to understand that relationship. In this year of 2012, we have (and had) elections ranging around the world, from France, where they recently...
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