Keyboard Cowboy
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Keyboard Cowboy

Hello, The name "Keyboard Cowboy" was given to me by a fellow poster who thought I was trying to be a hero behind my keyboard. I've been married for 15yrs. I have 2 girls, 1 boy, and 1 boy on the way. Whether it's the Kentucky Derby, the Daytona 500, or the Race for the Presidency; I love RACING. I will battle in the arena of IDEAS. I am an ECONOMIC CONSERVATIVE and LIBERTARIAN on social issues. I believe that a government doesn't create jobs but creates an environment for jobs to thrive. I believe a government cannot change people's hearts with laws, but it can show some moral leadership. For these views, I have been BANNED from the and the now defunct I wear this like a BADGE OF HONOR. Throughout the week, I comment at GRETAWIRE.COM. Every Thursday, I will be bringing it strong with the FACTS, a little SARCASM, some SATIRE, and a whole lot of over-the-top HYPERBOLE.

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Keyboard's contributions

gun rights
You can't yell "Fire" in a crowed movie theater, when there is no fire. If you want to have a large outdoor gathering, you have to get a permit. Eminent Domain gives power to the government to come and take your private property for government use. In order to drive a car, you agree to follow certain traffic laws. There are stipulations to most of our constitutional rights and government regulation is what keeps structure in our society. Because ...
The Fiscal Cliff Notes
fiscal cliff
My wife thinks our family budget is nearing the "Fiscal Cliff" because we can’t afford her buying brand new $100 shoes once a month. I guess she expects me to bleed more money to pay for her unnecessary luxury. Call me crazy, but I think she should cut her spending elsewhere to pay for her shoes. I guess it isn't her fault. This generation of politicians and voters believe they can have it all. At midnight on December 31, 2012 our Federal Gov...
Hey Hostess, You Can Eat My Twinkie
hostess company
On November 8 Union workers told their employer, "Hey Hostess, you can eat my Twinkie." It turns out that Hostess did one better and "Ate the Union's Lunch." On November 16, Hostess went out of business and fired 18,500 striking workers. In the late 1800's, American Labor Unions were created to protect workers. The percentage of Union workers peaked in 1954 at 35% and has been in decline ever since. There was a time when Unions were necessary....
Masochism Is Not a Crime
selling yourself
We spend millions on medicines to make us feel better. We have a family doctor to cure our ailments. And, we see a massage therapist for our aches and pains. But, adults can’t buy and sell sex? Defining prostitution is a case of semantics. People have always been willing to debase themselves for immediate gain. In the 1800’s, our military soldiers had groupies to service them. Now, we have four-star generals committing adultery. In America, hu...
On Election Day, 47% was the Majority
who voted for obama
By now, we all have heard the infamous "47%" quote. During the Presidential campaign, Mitt Romney said there was 47% of Americans who saw themselves as victims. He said 47% of Americans would vote for "Social Justice" over sane economic policies. What he didn't realize was another 3%+ were just idiots. On Election Day, the "47%" became the majority and Obama was re-elected. Specifically, 47% of our population does not pay Federal income tax. B...
Romney wins the popular vote
who will win
Ok, Romney isn’t president – yet. But, being Halloween, I wanted to scare some liberals. Pundits, bettors and the American people alike think Obama will be re-elected. However, there is some historical evidence suggesting Romney will be the 45th president of America. High unemployment has brought down many presidents, and it will bring down Obama. No president in modern times has been re-elected with unemployment higher than 7.7%. October...
Lance Armstrong Got Run Over
lance armstrong
Seven-time Tour de France champion, Lance Armstrong, was run over this week. The Anti-Doping Agency banned him from cycling for using performance enhancing drugs. This was obvious pandering, on their part, and will do nothing to help their sport. After surviving testicular cancer, Lance Armstrong made a strong comeback in the sport of cycling. He won cycling’s most prestigious event, the Tour de France, in 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004,...
President Obama is a Racist
obama is a racist
I don’t know why Obama chooses to be a racist, but he is. I mean, white people are the ones that put him office. “White Trash” wants the “Obama phone” as much as the ghetto drug dealer. “White guilt” gave him millions of dollars and millions of votes. Why is Obama a racist? I don’t know. But, here are some classic examples of his blatant racism. During Obama’s 2008 inauguration prayer the minister prayed for the day when “Whitey will wann...
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