Laura Conron
Superbious team profiles

Laura Conron

A writer that helps keep the masses on there toes. And possibly wreak some havoc.


The Love Agenda
I have yet to hear or read a satisfactory reason as to why a same-sex couple does not have all the rights enjoyed by a straight couple.

A Wager with Her Majesty
We are witnesses to mass devolution to a disillusioned and disunited people, or peoples.

What Really Pisses me Off
Recycling, ribbons, politically uninformed, NFL players in Pink, pussies, face libertarians, what's do they have in common?

Stompin' on a Dream: Takeaways from the New Hampshire Primary
Shouts heard from the wondrous coronation by the media and bookies in Vegas just a week ago for a man who should have been the Republican front runner...

Trump keeps children hostage, demands $25 billion
While the wording is slightly incorrect, considering the issue is not necessarily with children, but 1.8 million undocumented immigrants who have been...

Laura's contributions

RIOT in Turkey
Angry is about the only way I can describe how I felt after I heard this on the news; a quote from Reccep Tayyip Ergodan, the current Prime Minister of Turkey.
riots in turkey
Finally in Big news
Finally in big news, the countries of the world are finally realizing that they are being spied on by the American government via the NSA. Figured now would be a good time to set up a little bit of a "how long have you been spied on" timeline of sorts, just in case you're not sure how this all happened and came about.
big brother
If you're anything like me, you worry considerably about the state in which we live. We live in a world of near absolute chaos, with an incredibly small amount of incidences of beauty and purity. It's not like any of this is a coincidence either. Sadly enough a lot of it was our own doing, human nature is a reckless selfish thing under the right entanglement of circumstance.
world today
How close is Big Brother?
Are our governments actually trying to protect us from a looming threat, or are our governments themselves breaching our privacy in the name of some hidden agenda?
big brother is watching
3 Reasons You're Probably Indoctrinated
Think of television, education, and politics.

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