Martina Hyde
Superbious team profiles

Martina Hyde


Sarah Huckabee Sanders is as clueless as Sean Spicer
Sarah Huckabee Sanders seems to have no idea how the immigration program actually works. But then again, neither does probably his boss Donald Trump.

Striving for imperfection
It seems we have reached that rung in the ladder of our social and biological evolution where everyone either has, or wants something to be wrong with...

Recycling Is Bad For The Environment
It’s hard to watch the media these days and not see Donald Trump’s massive orange head plastered all over it.

How Romney Could Screw America
Mitt Romney has shown me that he is the guy that will say anything to get into America’s pants.

The Recipe of Racism
For every word and every expression today considered unacceptable or even simply frowned upon, once upon a time such were quite innocent.

Martina's contributions

The Recipe of Racism
For every word and every expression today considered unacceptable or even simply frowned upon, once upon a time such were quite innocent.

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