Milo Atkinson
Superbious team profiles

Milo Atkinson

Generally apathetic father of two and husband of 21 years. Looking for a laugh and overcoming a herniated disk and asthma with a cocktail of drugs and alcohol, which give me my daily dose of happiness.


Do We Know What Religious Freedom Means?
There are two principles that the US was built on that seem to have lost their meaning: religious freedom and freedom of speech. Masses claim that the...

Have You Served Your Technology Today?
I am one of technology's lackeys, as are you. Whether you want to acknowledge it or not we all squander great swaths of life jumping at the commands o...

Americans still way behind Canada when it comes to weed
While Trump, together with his sidekick, Attorney General Jeff Sessions, are considering reverting back to the old school method of drug enforcement b...

Mamie the Plow-Horse
The following is the actual script – including stage direction in parentheses and italics – of a speech written for Ernest P. Blufous VI, President an...

New News is Good News...Who Knew?
Can you hear that sound? It’s the sound of grandmothers across the country weeping for their fallen angel Brian Williams. Yes, that devilishly hands...

Milo's contributions

Climate Change, Climate Shmange
After a 20 year study, Dr. Melton J. McFickletter, PhD, Associate Professor of Environmental Science at the renowned Bigelow Institute, declared that climate change is indeed, bad.
climate change
Ethnic Dating in the Digital Age
Ms. Dalai Mismaladoop and Mr. Chang Choo Jones are two 40-year old virgins, who wear their anal promise rings with pride. Looking for love on line is a tricky business, especially if you are unattractive and as socially awkward as these two romantic neophytes.
dating humor

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...yeeeeees, we love Fox News. But we love Jon Stewart and Bill Maher a lot better. Fox News we love because of the quality, amusing, factual information they provide. Bill and Jon we love because they help us see it.

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