Stephanie Spikoski
Superbious team profiles

Stephanie Spikoski


Las Vegas Science and Technology Festival
From the 24th of April to the 2nd of May, you can experience 9 days where science and technology will come to life in Las Vegas. You can join this fan...

The case For and Against refugees
Even if you are not following the news daily, you're aware of the current situation concerning refugees (and migrants). A number of countries have see...

Political Correctness, in Film Reviews!
On Thursday, March 21st, Karoli wrote what is titled, "Netflix CEO's Education Reform Views Sneak into House of Cards."

President Obama is a Racist
Why is Obama a racist? I don’t know. But, here are some classic examples of his blatant racism.

The Love Agenda
I have yet to hear or read a satisfactory reason as to why a same-sex couple does not have all the rights enjoyed by a straight couple.

Stephanie's contributions

College anyone…Anyone?
In today’s economic and social dynamic, is a college education as important as it once was?
Hackers, Hackers Everywhere
Celebrity Instagram hack: isn't it funny how internet security isn't an issue until it becomes one? Of all people who should know to keep their dirty pictures private, wouldn't it be celebrities? I am so tired of these "hacking" stunts.
"Our Officer"
I have been working on this article for a while now and I have been trying to find my voice. I see both side of this topic.
We all know that Washington and Colorado have legalized it, that more than 11 other states have decriminalized it, we watch in movies and TV shows as people partake in it and the President has even admitted to using it.
Growing up in the Electronic Age
Growing up in the Midwest, I spent a great deal of my time playing outside and using my imagination to create the virtual world I played in. I could turn a cardboard box into a castle and a soccer ball into the royal treasure and spend all day with my friends battling it out for supremacy.
I didn't make you take this job
Let me start by saying, this is not an isolated incident. I know I am not the only one who has been feeling some frustration when it comes to the service industry as a whole, from food to retail, employees are not getting the message that the customer is always right, even when they are wrong!

SUPERBIOUS is an e-zine, online creature or politically incorrect blog, created to make Us happy. We have lots to say and we simply needed someone to say it to. Hopefully you'll find it more than readable. Or not.

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...yeeeeees, we love Fox News. But we love Jon Stewart and Bill Maher a lot better. Fox News we love because of the quality, amusing, factual information they provide. Bill and Jon we love because they help us see it.

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