Libertarianism: The Cult

Ron Paul

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Article by Luke Hilts
Over the last 6 years or so, the Libertarian movement has gained a lot of momentum (relatively speaking). The major catalysts have been Ron Paul and having a shitty government for the last 150 years or so. Despite the increase in the popularity, libertarians are still widely viewed as callous, kool-aid drinking loons. Now, being an Anarcho-Capitalist, I’m a little further down the road than Libertarians. And although I prefer to take things to their logical conclusion, I still have a soft spot for my freedom-loving brethren that are a little more accepting of a government. I stand here before you, today, to take a stand against the entitlement eating, on-your-knees for big government, ‘I’m selfish and I don’t care about the future of the country for my children’ assholes who call us a cult.

Yes, that’s right, I said a cult. People actually think that someone like me, someone who supported Ron Paul, has drank the kool-aid, that maybe there’s even a place for me in Waco, TX. Well, I resent that. And honestly? It’s not just because I don’t like their views on government and society. It’s because I find it hilarious they can’t see the irony and hypocrisy in calling libertarianism a cult.

I’m sure most of you remember being in grade school. Do you remember standing up first thing in the morning with your classmates, hand over your innocent little hearts, reciting the pledge of allegiance? You do? Excellent! Ok, now…HOW IS THAT NOT A FUCKING CULT? Kids who still believe in Santa Claus naively dedicate their loyalty to something they can’t—in any possible way—understand. It’s offensive. It’s barely different than the brainwashing the Nazis did to their children.

I could go on with this. I mean, don’t even get me started with the undying support for the military. I find it sickening. If you’re one of those people who think libertarians are cult members, take a good hard look in the mirror. If you can’t see the hypocrisy, then the problem is worse than I thought. That is all.

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