Luke Hilts
Superbious team profiles

Luke Hilts


Anti-Vax Men: Diseases of Future Past
Remember Ebola? You know, the disease that's still ravaging Western Africa, and has been for years? Though you probably know it best for it's American...

Finally in Big news
Finally in big news, the countries of the world are finally realizing that they are being spied on by the American government via the NSA. Figured now...

10 Reasons to TRUMP Trump!
On Sept.6, 2015, drawing a unique, historic line in the local sand, The Los Angeles Times News Group’s editorial board proclaimed loudly, and in print...

Watch out for Honey Boo Boo
How people in the south react to our poster family of rednecks.

Luke's contributions

Libertarianism: The Cult
David Koresh ain't got shit on us!
libertarianism ron paul
Abraham Lincoln: Literally Hitler
If you asked your average American who the top 3 US Presidents of all time are, I'd bet that one of the answers would be Abraham Lincoln. But the fact is that he was actually one of the worst presidents of all time.
Voting and Shitty Restaurants: A Metaphor
Voting is stupid. Instead, you should take huge dumps.
why not vote

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...yeeeeees, we love Fox News. But we love Jon Stewart and Bill Maher a lot better. Fox News we love because of the quality, amusing, factual information they provide. Bill and Jon we love because they help us see it.

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