Is The Climate Change Fraud Finally Behind Us?

Hurricane Sandy

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Article by Arthur Brewer
Here we are a few days after Hurricane Sandy blew through the east coast, causing widespread damage. As we look back at this momentous storm, and begin to assess the damage it has caused, we also sit and wait for the blame game to begin.

Anyone who’s paid any attention to the global warming, or as they now call it climate change, debate has come to expect the blame for all weather events to be put squarely on man and his selfish materialistic desires. Every snowstorm, hurricane, tsunami, cyclone, heat wave, draught, etc, is due to climate change brought about by man.

However, something has happened over the last many years; not only did global average temperature increases halt nearly 15 years ago, but several scandals in the climate change science community have eroded the public's trust and confidence in their positions.

This has been most evident in the last several years as the climate change accusations have fallen off the front pages of most newspapers and off the evening news. The cynic in me might suggest this is because a Democrat is occupying the White House. You see, if nothing is getting done about climate change, you don’t want to point the fingers of blame at a sympathetic green administration, but I digress.

A key facet to this change in attitude is the global economic slump.
Anyone who remembers the 70s can remember the mainstream science and media communities claiming we were about to enter a new ice age.
You see, when advanced western nations are doing well, and feeling guilty about their economic prominence, it’s easier to start throwing money at phony problems. But when the economy turns south, and people begin to feel real economic pain, those trumped up issues are the first things tossed out the window.

You see, I’m old enough to remember the coming ice age. Yep, you read that right, anyone who remembers the 70s can remember the mainstream science and media communities claiming we were about to enter a new ice age. Glaciers were growing, temperatures were falling, winters were more harsh, so it had to be man’s fault. This was cause célèbre for several years until Reagan entered office, then it was on to global thermo nuclear war and Reagan’s finger on the button, but I once again digress.

So here we are, after a massive storm causes widespread destruction and grief, and nobody is really talking about it being man’s fault or due to climate change other than Al Gore and a few other left-leaning websites (by the way, how did Al Gore amass a personal fortune of over $100 million dollars since leaving office? Remember, always follow the money). We can only hope that we’re beginning to put the climate change debate where it belongs, in the trash.

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