Arthur Brewer
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Arthur Brewer

Three phrases to live by: "There is no such thing as a free lunch" - Milton Friedman "The problem with socialism is that sooner or later you run out of other peoples money" - Margaret Thatcher "Power tends to corrupt, absolute power corrupts absolutely" - Lord Acton Three books to live by: The Law by Frédéric Bastiat Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell The Road To Serfdom by Friedrich von Hayek Understand these phrases and books, and you'll understand me.

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Arthur's contributions

Fighting The Obvious
political junkie
For years I've wondered why conservatives like myself seem to be at such a disadvantage at selling our ideas of limited-government, self-reliance and founding principles to the public at large. We always seem to be playing catch-up, desperately trying to sell our ideas as the most in tune with natural law, constitutional law, basic economics or just plain common sense. But at every turn, pop culture and the mainstream media portray us as a bun...
More Shit That Just Pisses Me Off
what pisses me off
Government workers, rude and inefficient as most of them are, making twice what the rest of us make, oh, and with way better benefits and retirement security. Oh, and we're paying for this shit service through fees, fines and taxes. Food stamps, food stamps, food stamps. I notice now (can't help it actually) every time I go to the grocery store, there are EBT cards all around me, holy crap, I can't handle this. Oh, and most of them try ...
The Hubris of Man
hubris of man
Within hours of the mass-murder at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut came the completely predictable calls for stricter gun control laws. After all, we've unfortunately been here a lot lately, a crazed gunman kills numerous innocent people and the gun control lobby, within minutes of the horrendous act, demands that we "do something". The hubris is palpable; the idea that man can legislate morality with more and more laws restricting...
Latino is the New Black
latino vote obama
The results are in, and to no ones surprise, Latino’s overwhelmingly voted to put Barack Obama back into office for another four years. While nobody’s really shocked by this, when you take a step back and look at the average Latino voter, it really doesn’t make sense. Here’s what has been the typical position amongst Latinos (in general) in America; overwhelmingly Christian (and mostly Catholic), hard-working and self-reliant, very family ori...
So Many Broken Promises
obama broken promises
Four short years ago, when President Obama was running for the office he now occupies, many promises were made to the American people. Liberal promises to garner support from those on the left and practical promises to those in the middle. Obviously, this strategy worked and got him elected, but how did it turn out? The list of broken promises made by Mr. Obama are too numerous to list here, there are literally hundreds. Most are long forgo...
Is The Climate Change Fraud Finally Behind Us?
climate change al gore
Here we are a few days after Hurricane Sandy blew through the east coast, causing widespread damage. As we look back at this momentous storm, and begin to assess the damage it has caused, we also sit and wait for the blame game to begin. Anyone who’s paid any attention to the global warming, or as they now call it climate change, debate has come to expect the blame for all weather events to be put squarely on man and his selfish materialistic...
I’m Tired of Our Love Affair with Teachers
against teachers
Is there anyone else out there, like me, who is sick and tired of the national meme that teachers are sacrosanct and above all reproach? Seriously, don’t you remember your childhood government teachers? Mine were terrible. In all my years in K-12 public education, and a couple years of college, I can think of only a couple teachers that I truly respected, enjoyed and actually learned something from. As for the rest of them, they were all horr...
The Biggest Scam Ever Played
obama scam
So here we are at year four of the age of Hope and Change. Looking back at President Obama’s first term, can we, as a nation, honestly assess exactly what he’s accomplished, and more importantly, what he hasn’t? When President Obama entered office on January 20, 2009, he blew into town on that Springfield train ala Lincoln, with more goodwill and warm feelings of any newly minted President in recent memory. He enjoyed overwhelming majorities...
Recycling - What A Waste
against recycling
re·cy·cling [ree-sahy-kling] Exerting extra time and effort to assuage personal guilt about a phony, trumped up environmental crisis. A way to show how ‘in-touch’ you are with the environment, even though it doesn’t make much of a difference. Spending millions in tax dollars to fund yet another wasteful government agency. As I’m sure you can tell by my opening, I’m no fan of recycling, especially state-enforced recycling. I live in a ty...
What Really Pisses me Off
what pisses me off
Standing in line at the grocery store, ready to pay for the items I’m needing, and seeing everyone around me with their food stamp cards out, ready to go, wearing nicer clothes than me and buying better food than mine . . . Oh, and following them outside and watching them get into a nicer car than mine . . . Talking to family members who get their political news from The Daily Show . . . and they all happen to be Democrats . . . Why d...
The Numbers of a Sure Loser
us economic numbers
As most of us have noticed over the last couple of weeks, the economic numbers coming out of Washington have appeared overly, and oddly, positive. However, unlike the consensus view as to why (getting President Obama re-elected), I believe these are the numbers of a sure loser. Let me explain. Over the last several presidential election cycles, the incoming administration has inherited an economy either going south or on the mend. Whatever ...
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