Francesca Mac
Superbious team profiles

Francesca Mac

I'm a 19 year old uni student, literature loving, feminist, lesbian, left-wing, drinker who has delusional ambitions of becoming a writer.

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Francesca's contributions

I don't want your dick and I never will
lesbian opinion
As a female homosexual I spend an annoying amount of time saying no to men. No I'm not confused. No you can't watch. No your massive shaft won't make me straight. No, no, no, no, no. Heck, the only time I say 'yes' to men is when they ask me if I want to blaze and have an in-depth discussion about the greatest wonder of the modern age- Scarlett Johansson's arse. From my experience, most men crave the 'no'-particularly dickish guys in bars. For...
How to survive the binge drinking generation
binge drinking
Being an absolute degenerate waster is seen as a great achievement by most people, I know. Honestly, killing it with vodka has become somewhat of a sporting event, and frankly, since going to university I've been kicking it with the premier league. My newsfeed is constantly filled with pictures of pretty girls and their poor decisions (read: dry humping some random drunk dude when they should be getting with me) and 'omg I was soooo ruined last n...
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...yeeeeees, we love Fox News. But we love Jon Stewart and Bill Maher a lot better. Fox News we love because of the quality, amusing, factual information they provide. Bill and Jon we love because they help us see it.

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