Ryan A. McAllister
Superbious team profiles

Ryan A. McAllister

I'm currently a student at the University of Central Florida studying digital media. In my spare time I play guitar and work on graphic design.


The Return of Game of Thrones!
Game of Thrones has finally returned to our screens with season seven. If you have been missing the tantric scenes and gory violence then the wait if ...

Ireland's Church vs. State
While the US battles for equal marriage options in a fight for civil rights, Ireland is still battling for the separation of church and state.

Church & State: (Not) A Love Story
Like white on rice. The sticky kind.

Former Holmes Fluffer Worried about Health of Jeremy's Penis
She spoke out couple of days ago on her fears that the porn industry's signature phallus might be eroding in stature.

A fairly (un)educated look into PROs and CONs of GMOs
Are GMOs really bad? Or are the genetically modified organisms actually a necessity? Is your friend right when he said that GMOs are unhealthy or was ...

Ryan's contributions

Lost Memories of Tomorrow Land
Florida is a very strange place. Much of it sits just barely above sea level; its beaches ever so vulnerable to being swept away in the dead of night.
Why are people booing?
That was the number one most googled phrase of the night during CBS’s broadcast of the ninth Republican Debate.
Stompin' on a Dream: Takeaways from the New Hampshire Primary
Shouts heard from the wondrous coronation by the media and bookies in Vegas just a week ago for a man who should have been the Republican front runner from the get go.
Too Much Time On Our Hands
Tick Tock, Tick Tock. Is that a bomb in your pocket or am I just terrified to see you?
Recycling Is Bad For The Environment
It’s hard to watch the media these days and not see Donald Trump’s massive orange head plastered all over it.
New News is Good News...Who Knew?
Can you hear that sound? It’s the sound of grandmothers across the country weeping for their fallen angel Brian Williams. Yes, that devilishly handsome broadcaster is in some hot water over recent comments.

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...yeeeeees, we love Fox News. But we love Jon Stewart and Bill Maher a lot better. Fox News we love because of the quality, amusing, factual information they provide. Bill and Jon we love because they help us see it.

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