Veronica Bryant
Superbious team profiles

Veronica Bryant

There's not too many interesting things to say about myself, but I'll give it a try. My name is Veronica (obviously.) I live in a very small town deep in the Bible Belt of Middle Tennessee. When I'm not working on my next post, I'm working in the Operating Room at our local hospital. I'm not the typical Tennesseean, by far. I don't much care for country music, my real weaknesses are rock and industrial music. Music and writing have always been two of my biggest passions in life, and probably always will be. When a very opinionated and bull-headed individual such as myself takes to writing for a site like this, it can only get better.


Kevin O'Leary: One Trick Pony
There are assholes, and then there are those who wish to be assholes. Kevin O'Leary is an obnoxious combination of both.

Impulse TV
A certain frenzied logic takes over five days before the Super Bowl: I presently have a 37" television screen. A 37" screen just will not do. Therefor...

Trump: I'll break it and then claim credit for almost fixing it
Trump is a man of unlimited unnecessary words and no real new action. His reusable plan of action is always the same - let's take something that is wo...

The Hubris of Man
You can pass law after law in attempting to correct the ills, but it will never solve the problem.

What To Consider When Choosing A Biopharmaceutical Recruiting Firm
Biopharmarcy relates to a field or discipline that deals with interactions between living organisms and medications. It focuses on drug release, absor...

Veronica's contributions

Secession: The first element to a civil war
Apparently a lot of people are pissed off about the election results, and they'll do anything in their powers to show it.
secede from the union
Serious relationships are (almost) a thing of the past
The good old days of crushes, dates, and respect are out the door. Say hello to our future: guilt, desperation, and hooking up.
serious relationships
How Gen. Y decides who they will vote for President (according to Gen. X.)
Obviously we are all choosing our vote based on their celebrity endorsements, right?
generation y
Watch out for Honey Boo Boo
How people in the south react to our poster family of rednecks.
honey boo boo
Religion in Politics
The worst thing to happen to modern day Politics would have to be the overuse of Religion to sway votes.
religion in politics

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...yeeeeees, we love Fox News. But we love Jon Stewart and Bill Maher a lot better. Fox News we love because of the quality, amusing, factual information they provide. Bill and Jon we love because they help us see it.

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